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According to data from observatories like  Chandra X-ray Observatory , a double star system, known as Terzan 5 CX1 in the globular cluster Terzan 5,   has been rapidly flipping between two alter egos: a low-mass X-ray binary and a millisecond pulsar.

A double star system has been flipping between two alter egos, according to observations with Chandra X-ray Observatory and The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array(VLA). Using nearly a decade and a half worth of Chandra data, researchers noticed that a stellar duo behaved like one type of object before switching its identity and then returning to its original state after a few years. This is a rare example of a star system changing its behaviour in this way.

Astronomers found this volatile double, or binary, system in a dense collection of stars, the globular cluster Terzan 5, which is located about 20,000 light-years from Earth in the Milky Way galaxy. This stellar duo, known as Terzan 5 CX1, has a neutron star in close orbit around a star similar to the Sun, but with less mass.

In this new image of Terzan 5 (right), low, medium and high-energy X-rays detected by Chandra are coloured red, green and blue respectively. On the left, an image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows the same field of view in optical light. Terzan 5 CX1 is labelled as CX1 in the Chandra image.

In binary systems like Terzan 5 CX1, the heavier neutron star pulls material from the lower-mass companion into a surrounding disk. Astronomers can detect these so-called accretion disks by their bright X-ray light, and refer to these objects as low-mass X-ray binaries.

Spinning material in the disk falls onto the surface of the neutron star, increasing its rotation rate. The neutron star can spin faster and faster until the roughly 10-mile-wide sphere, packed with more mass than the Sun, is rotating hundreds of times per second. Eventually, the transfer of matter slows down and the remaining material is swept away by the whirling magnetic field of the neutron star, which becomes a millisecond pulsar. Astronomers detect pulses of radio waves from these millisecond pulsars as the neutron star's beam of radio emission sweeps over the Earth during each rotation.

While scientists expect the complete evolution of a low-mass X-ray binary into a millisecond pulsar should happen over several billion years, there is a period of time when the system can switch rapidly between these two states. Chandra observations of Terzan 5 CX1 show that it was acting like a low-mass X-ray binary in 2003, because it was brighter in X-rays than any of the dozens of other sources in the globular cluster. This was a sign that the neutron star was likely accumulating matter.

In Chandra data taken from 2009 to 2014, Terzan 5 CX1 had become about ten times fainter in X-rays. Astronomers also detected it as a radio source with the VLA in 2012 and 2014. The amount of radio and X-ray emission and the corresponding spectra agree with expectations for a millisecond pulsar. Although the radio data used did not allow a search for millisecond pulses, these results imply that Terzan 5 CX1 underwent a transformation into behaving like a millisecond pulsar and was blowing material outwards. By the time Chandra had observed Terzan 5 CX1 again in 2016, it had become brighter in X-rays and changed back to acting like a low-mass X-ray binary again.

To confirm this pattern of “Jekyll and Hyde” behaviour, astronomers need to detect radio pulses while Terzan 5 CX1 is faint in X-rays. More radio and X-ray observations are planned to search for this behaviour, along with sensitive searches for pulses in existing data. Only three confirmed examples of these identity-changing systems are known, with the first discovered in 2013 using Chandra and several other X-ray and radio telescopes.

Two other recent studies have used Chandra observations of Terzan 5 to study how neutron stars in two different low-mass X-ray binaries recover after having had large amounts of material dumped on their surface by a companion star. Such studies are important for understanding the structure of a neutron star’s outer layer, known as its crust.

In one of these studies, of the low-mass X-ray binary Swift J174805.3–244637 (T5 X-3 for short), material dumped onto the neutron star during an X-ray outburst detected by Chandra in 2012 heated up the star's crust. The crust of the neutron star then cooled down, taking about a hundred days to fall back to the temperature seen before the outburst. The rate of cooling agrees with a computer model for such a process.

In a separate Chandra study of a different low-mass X-ray binary in Terzan 5, IGR J17480–2446 (T5 X-2 for short) the neutron star was still cooling when its temperature was taken five and a half years after it was known to have an outburst. These results show this neutron star’s crust ability to transfer, or conduct, heat may be lower than what astronomers have found in other cooling neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries. This difference in the ability to conduct heat may be related to T5 X-2 having a higher magnetic field compared to other cooling neutron stars, or being much younger than T5 X-3.


After counting all the normal, luminous matter in the obvious places of the universe (galaxies, clusters of galaxies and the intergalactic medium) about half of it is still missing. So not only is 85% of the matter in the universe made up of an unknown, invisible substance dubbed dark matter, we can't even find all the small amount of normal matter that should be there.

This is known as the "missing baryons" problem. Baryons are particles that emit or absorb light, like protons, neutrons or electrons, which make up the matter we see around us. The baryons unaccounted for are thought to be hidden in filamentary structures permeating the entire universe, also known as "the cosmic web".

The universe is permeated by a vast, invisible web, its tendrils weaving through space. But despite organizing the matter we see in space, this dark web is invisible. That's because it is made up of dark matter, which exerts a gravitational pull but emits no light. 

That is, the web was invisible until now. For the first time, researchers have illuminated some of the darkest corners of the universe. Now a new study, published in arXiv, offers a better view that will enable us to help map what it looks like.

A long time ago, the universe was hotter, smaller and denser than it is now. There wasn't much variation in density from place to place. space was much more cramped overall and no matter where you went, things were pretty much the same.

But there were tiny, random differences in density. Those nuggets had slightly more gravitational pull than their surrounding neighbourhood, so matter tended to flow into them and made them bigger. 

In this way,  they developed an even stronger gravitational influence which helped them pull more matter in and so on and so on for billions of years. Simultaneously, as the nuggets grew, the spaces between them emptied out. Eventually, the dense patches grew to become the first stars, galaxies and clusters, while the spaces between them became the great cosmic voids. 

The vast majority of matter in our universe is dark; it does not interact with light or with any of the normal matter. As a result, much of the cosmic web is completely invisible to us.

Now we can easily spot the great cosmic voids because there are no galaxies to illuminate these spaces as we know there is no matter there. It’s just truly empty space. But the grandeur of the cosmic web lies in the delicate lines of the filaments themselves. Stretching for millions of light-years, these thin tendrils of galaxies act like great cosmic freeways crossing black voids, connecting bright urban clusters.

Those filaments in the cosmic web are the hardest part of the web to study. They have some galaxies but not a lot. And they have all sorts of lengths and orientations; in comparison, the clusters and voids are geometric child's play. So, even though we've known of the existence of filaments, through computer simulations, for decades, we have had a hard time actually, you know, seeing them.

Recently, a team of astronomers made a major advancement in mapping our cosmic web, publishing their results at the arXiv database. First, they took a catalogue of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) survey. LRGs are massive beasts of galaxies, and they tend to sit in the centres of dense blobs of dark matter. And if the LRGs sit in the densest regions, then lines connecting them should be made of the more delicate filaments.

But staring at the space between two LRGs isn't going to be productive; there isn't a lot of stuff there. So, the team took thousands of pairs of LRGs, realigned them and stacked them on top of each other to make a composite image.

Using this stacked image, the scientists counted all the galaxies that they could see, adding up their total light contribution. This allowed researchers to measure how much normal matter made up the filaments between the LRGs. Next, the researchers looked at the galaxies behind the filaments, and specifically, at their shapes.

As light from those background galaxies pierced the intervening filaments, the gravity from the dark matter in those filaments gently nudged the light, ever so slightly shifting the images of those galaxies. By measuring the shear (the amount of shifting), the team was able to estimate the amount of dark matter in the filaments.

That measure lined up with theoretical predictions (another point for the existence of dark matter). The scientists also confirmed that the filaments weren't entirely dark. For every 351 suns' worth of mass in the filaments, there was 1 suns' worth of light output.

It's a crude map of the filaments, but it's the first, and it definitely shows that while our cosmic web is mostly dark, it's not completely black. This will help reveal more mystery surrounding the cosmic web and provide us with a definitive census of the matter in the universe.


at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, the brightness of the Betelgeuse dipped further than usual, to around 1.5

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star roughly 700 light-years away from our own Solar System. Betelgeuse is usually the eleventh-brightest star in the night sky. After Rigel, the second brightest object in the constellation Orion, the rust-coloured star has attracted attention from astronomers for its relative closeness and potential for collapsing in a spectacular supernova event within the next 100,000 years.

While we all would love nothing better than to see a visible star go boom, the chances anybody living today will experience such a spectacle are slim. Very slim.

Estimates on its remaining lifetime depend largely on accurate measurements of its mass and rotation, which thanks to the scarcity of nearby companions to help judge its gravitational pull, have proven hard to pin down. Guesses of the star's mass vary from 10 to 20 solar masses, with a size most likely around 11 to 12 times the mass of our own Sun.

Fortunately, Betelgeuse also happens to be big enough and close enough for astronomers to make out some details of its structure. This material is spread out over a vast distance in a blob that's only roughly spherical in shape. If Betelgeuse was at the centre of our Solar System, its body would stretch out to brush the edges of Jupiter's orbit. 

If Betelgeuse was at the centre of our Solar System, its body would stretch out to brush the edges of Jupiter's orbit.

Being a mere 700 light-years away, the star's end in a supernova explosion would be easily visible to the average sky-watcher with the naked eye. Its usual visual magnitude (a measure of how bright something appears to us) varies from a relatively bright 0 to a slightly dimmer 1.3. For comparison, the highly reflective planet Venus is a touch below -4, with the Moon having an average of just under -13 apparent magnitude).

For unknown reasons, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, the brightness of the red supergiant dipped further than usual, to around 1.5. Should Betelgeuse collapse and go supernova, the released energy would see its brightness rival the Moon's, all concentrated in a star-like point. Yet to be seen.


You may never have heard of muons before, but these particles are crucial to our understanding of the universe. In a milestone study published in the journal Nature, researchers announced that they have overcome one of the biggest challenges to studying these fundamental particles. The study heralds a new era of research into the properties and structure of matter and that includes us, humans.

Muons are fundamental particles and are very similar to electrons, but 207 times heavier. That means they carry much more energy than electrons. They are crucial to our understanding of our physical world, because they provide information about the properties and structure of matter.

But studying muons is difficult. Fundamental particles like muons (think the neutrino) are only visible at high energies and for microseconds. Physicists have to use particle colliders and accelerators to glimpse their properties. These instruments slam particle beams together at a very high speed and capture data from the resulting explosions, allowing researchers to peek into the subatomic world. This is exactly what physicists have been doing at the Large Hadron Collider, which infamously smashed proton beams together in order to discover and study the theorized Higgs boson, another elusive fundamental particle.

We'd known about muons for many years, but we never managed to put them into a particle accelerator before. Now, after decades of research, Rogers and a team of hundreds of international scientists have outlined how to get closer to creating a first-of-its-kind particle collider that can blast beams of muons at much higher energies than any existing colliders. The invention has the potential to reveal exotic particles that exist only in theory or even entirely new particles scientists had never thought of before.

When you smash beams of particles together, what happens is you make all sorts of exotic new particles, like force carriers or like novel forms of matter, And by looking at all the different sorts of particles which can be created, we can try and understand things about how matter gets stuck together. How matter sticks together is at the basis of our understanding of how everything in the universe is made, because everything is made of matter.

This result is a fundamental landscape change. It doesn’t happen very often. It’s like a Lego piece, to build our future plans. A piece of lego that you can multiply and play with and use to build new things. We can move forward in previously unexplored ways, But a new piece of lego can change how we are going to arrange it.

Despite their obvious importance, colliders like the famous Large Hadron Collider, are massive instruments that cost huge amounts of money and are very hard to build and manage. So far, there is no particle collider designed for muons, which means there is no way of studying and understanding them (even though muons were among the first particles to be ever discovered, in 1936).

For many years the biggest hurdle for studying muons was that we never managed to put them into a particle accelerator. Well, The researchers cracked the problem of “ionization cooling of muons” — basically cooling the smashing beams of particles so they’re easier for current instruments to capture and analyze, rather than having the muons flying all over the place uncontrollably.

The researchers had to develop a technique which can take this messy beam and turn it into a really nice laser-like beam: cooling the beam. So if you imagine the beam is like a hot gas, it's flying along really fast. What we want to do is reduce the temperature of that gas. The temperature of the muons at production is roughly 10 billion degrees Celsius. We're trying to go from this diffused gas to something which is more like a laser beam. Cooling techniques have been discovered before, but they usually take minutes or hours to do. What they had developed is a radically different sort of cooling, which can take effect on timescales of billions of a second.

The muon collider itself would be similar in scale to either the Tevatron, which was a machine which was built at Fermilab near Chicago, or the Large Hadron Collider. You're looking at a machine which is several kilometres in length, with these extremely strong magnets, and the cost scale is similar to those machines.

Muons themselves are interesting beasts and there are applications which we will really only just starting to understand if we start building beyond accelerators. Muons' properties hint at these future applications. For example, muons are much more penetrating than X-rays, which means they can be used to look inside things that are too thick for x-rays to image. This includes pyramids and volcanoes, for example.

Muons may provide a completely new way to reach further into the energy frontier of particle accelerators that simply cannot be achieved at the present time, and we might not have a way to get there otherwise. But while the study represents a milestone along the road to developing the first-ever muon colliders, don't hold your breath too soon. There are many more years of research ahead for Rogers’ team to turn this into a reality, he says. But when we do get there, what we find may be truly unimaginable.


Through the Artemis lunar exploration program. NASA is committed to landing astronauts, including the first woman and the next man, on the Moon by 2024. NASA will use innovative new technologies and systems to explore more of the Moon than ever before. NASA will collaborate with commercial and international Space Agency to establish sustainable missions for various research and deep understanding of the Universe.

Artemis program will be helpful to demonstrate new technologies, capabilities humans have achieved in the past decades and it will also help us to test new innovative technologies. Through the Artemis program, humans will have a permanent presence on the Moon As we have on Space because of the International Space Station. Most of all It will Inspire a new generation and encourage careers in Space exploration. 

NASA’s powerful new rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS), will send astronauts aboard the Orion spacecraft nearly a quarter-million miles from Earth to lunar orbit. Astronauts will dock Orion at the Gateway and transfer to a human landing system for expeditions to the surface of the Moon. They will return to the orbital outpost to board Orion again before returning safely to Earth.

Before sending humans, Nasa will send a suite of science instruments and technology demonstrations to the lunar surface through commercial Moon deliveries beginning in 2021. After that NASA will fly two missions around the Moon to test its deep space exploration systems. NASA is working toward launching Artemis I, an uncrewed flight to test the SLS and Orion spacecraft together, followed by the Artemis II mission, the first SLS and Orion test flight with a crew. NASA will land astronauts on the Moon by 2024 on the Artemis III mission and about once a year thereafter. 

What We Are Going To Achieve With  Artemis Program?

  • Find and use water and other critical resources needed for long-term exploration
  • Investigate the Moon’s mysteries and learn more about our home planet and the universe.
  • Learn how to live and operate on the surface of another celestial body where astronauts are just three days from home.
  • Prove the technologies we need before sending astronauts on missions to Mars, which can take up to three years roundtrip.

At the end Mars is the main goal, but before Mars Astronaut will explore the entire surface of the Moon with human and robotic explorers. Going forward to the Moon will be the next step of our generation, the generation ready for space travel.


NASA-ESA Solar Orbiter is set to launch into space on Sunday, February, 9, 2020 at 11:03 p.m Eastern. And it packs ten powerful scientific instruments on board that will shed unprecedented light on our Sun. The mission is an ambitious collaboration between the European Space Agency and NASA. It aims to resolve some of the biggest mysteries surrounding the Sun.

Scientists have observed the Sun since the dawn of astronomy, but still don't have the answers to questions like how the Sun’s magnetic field operates, how it affects the star’s polar regions or what drives the solar wind. One key question scientists hope to answer with the mission is what drives solar cycles “moments that occur every 11 years when the Sun's magnetic poles switch”.

We know that the Sun exhibits this 11-year activity cycle. We don’t really know what drives this cycle of 11 years and we can’t predict how strong the next cycle is going to be. To get those answers, the Solar Orbiter will travel closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft before it, essentially flying outside the confines of the Solar System in order to peer down at the Sun, studying the star from a high altitude.

The spacecraft carries 10 scientific instruments. Six of the instruments are remote sensing, capturing images of the Sun, while the remaining four are in-situ instruments. which will measure solar wind, plasma and other aspects of the environment around the spacecraft.

The unique feature of this mission is that these instruments are able to work together, because they are able to talk to each other. If one of the instruments detects an interesting observation, then it will notify other relevant instruments so that they can do their own measurements, too. There work as a team is totally awesome. 


  • EUI: Extreme Ultraviolet Imager
  • Metis
  • PHI: Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager
  • SoloHi: Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager
  • SPICE: Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment
  • STIX: X-ray Spectrometer/Telescope
  • EPD: Energy Particle Detector
  • MAG: Magnetometer
  • RPW: Radio and Plasma Waves
  • SWA: Solar Wind Plasma Analyzer

This instrument will capture ultra-violet images of the lower layers of the solar atmosphere, which lie just above the surface of the Sun. The imager will help scientists understand how the Sun’s lower atmosphere heats up, and how that influences the larger corona or the outermost part of the solar atmosphere. The imager is located in an optics box behind the spacecraft’s heat shield.

Metis will capture images of the Sun’s outer atmosphere. The instrument will image the corona, which is dimmer than the rest of the atmospheric layers, in both visible and extreme ultraviolet light. It manages this feat by blocking light from Sun’s bright surface. Metis will capture the corona at a distance of approximately 302,000 and 908,000 miles from the Sun’s surface, closer than any other coronagraph has gotten to the Sun. By observing this area of the Sun’s atmosphere, scientists can gain a better understanding of how the Sun affects the rest of the heliosphere.

PHI is made up of two telescopes — a full-disk telescope, which views the whole Sun at any given time, and a high-resolution telescope, which views just a portion of the Sun, revealing its fine structure in detail. The two telescopes produce magnetograms, which are maps of the magnetic peaks and valleys on the Sun’s surface. Together they enable scientists to estimate the magnetic field in the solar corona and heliosphere. The Sun’s magnetic field is key to understanding its behaviour. It is believed to be the main driving force behind the 11-year solar cycle whereby the Sun’s North and South poles flip.

SoloHi is a visible-light telescope that will image sunlight as it is reflected off electrons in the solar wind. The telescope will focus on the interplanetary medium or the space that lies between the Sun and the planets. This area is crucial to predicting when and understanding how eruptions from the Sun will take place and whether or not they will affect Earth. At its closest approach, the telescope will capture a region from about 2.25 million miles to approximately 18 million miles from the Sun.

SPICE is an extreme ultraviolet spectrometer designed to map the plasma or streams of hot gas, that erupt from the Sun’s surface in the form of the solar wind. The instrument will collect data on the density and flow of the solar material.

This instrument is designed to survey X-rays as they erupt from the surface of the Sun during solar flares. STIX will take note of the timing, location and intensity of each X-ray burst from the Sun. Doing so will help scientists figure out how these solar flares erupt. The instrument has a wide-field view, meaning it can see the entire Sun at any given time. Solar flares pose a threat to space equipment such as satellites and they are a hazard for astronauts journeying through deep space.

EPD measures electrons and other particles emitted by the Sun, as well as their timing and distribution. It will help scientists understand how solar radiation forms by breaking down components of the solar wind plasma and the Sun’s magnetic field.

MAG: Magnetometer
This instrument will measure the strength and direction of the magnetic field around the Solar Orbiter. The Magnetometer will help scientists trace the origins of the magnetic field and solar wind plasma in the corona. It will also reveal how energetic-particle radiation travels out into the Solar System following solar eruptions.

SWA: Solar Wind Analyzer Suite
As the Sun blows solar wind towards the spacecraft, this instrument will measure more than 99% of all the charged particles emitted by the star. The measurements can help scientists in determining exactly what the solar wind is made up of and where the streams of solar wind come from.

RPW: Radio and Plasma Waves
This instrument is designed to measure changes in the electric and magnetic fields around the spacecraft. The data will help identify the role plasma plays in the solar wind, whether it helps in its acceleration or heating.

The data which will be collected from the craft's 10 scientific instruments will help scientists resolve some mysteries regarding our host star, namely what drives solar wind and how it affects the Solar System, including our own planet Earth.


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A double star system has been flipping between two alter egos, according to observations with Chandra X-ray Observatory and The Karl ...


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