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Supersolid | State Of Matter

Well, who can say all the state of matter at once? Solid, Liquid, Gas, SupperSolid, SupperFluid, Bose-Einstein Condensate, Plasma, Excitonium, Fermionic Condensate And holy moly there are lots of states of matter nearly around 70 states of matter that's insane. We are really living in future, don't you think?

Scientists have created, yet another state of matter! It's called SupperSolid and while it sounds like a solid, it's not. SupperSolid is basically a supper fluid that got it's Molecules together.The researchers who created the new state of matter took a Bose-Einstein Condensate made of Sodium gas and used a laser to cool it to near absolute zero. The atoms are moving extremely slowly. An interesting fact a BEC ( Bose-Einstein Condensate ) is a special phase of matter created in 2001 winning researchers the Nobel Prize for Physics. Well once cooled to a BEC, the Sodium FLOWED with ZERO FRICTION. It's like a Supper-Fluid, Which is awesome.The BEC was also superconductive, meaning its electrons moved through it with ZERO RESISTANCE.

In this research, the scientists kept cooling the sodium and at some point, It's arranged into a non-crystalline "Solid". The scientists called it a superfluid flow with"Long-Range Spatial Periodicity Of A Solid."  Those are some fancy science words. Just think of it like a coffee cup filled with a frictionless, superconducting gel that if you could stir it, it would ever stop moving round and round and round, it will never stop going around.

The "Fluid" didn't suddenly become hard, instate, it's not exactly solid think of it like GEL. It's a fluid but it behaves like a solid. They have still got a lot to learn about these fluid / Solid. But according to their paper their supersolid [Quote] "establishes a system with continuous symmetry-breaking properties, associated collective excitation and superfluid behaviour."  Let's break it down. The superfluid behaviour you get is frictionless superconductor. Collective excitations is a fancy way to say quasiparticles, Quasiparticles are a group of particles that behave as if they are ONE because their parts are interacting somehow. Symmetry-Breaking, It's also describing particle movement, Normally in quantum mechanics, symmetry is a big deal and breaking It is a bigger deal.

At the moment, it continues the old saying, " The closer you look the stranger things get."  The states of matter solid, liquid and gas that you have been living with your whole life were never all there were. It's kind of like you are learning math, First, you are taught numbers, then they tell you there are infinitely many numbers, Then they tell you there are infinitely negative numbers too and then you find out there are irrational numbers and imaginary number and you can do calculation with infinities and embed equation into each other.

Matters are like that Solid, liquid, Gas and Plasma exist but It's actually about the molecular arrangement. Solid are interacting heavily, liquids are loosey-goosey and gases are just barely interacting, while plasma is "Free" it can do anything. But on top of those four, there are several more. Cold ones like the Bose-Einstein Condensate and SupperSolid and Hot once like Electron-Degenerate matter or the theorized strange matter and states like time Crystals, which have low energy states and weird effects across time symmetry.

We don't have six or seven states of matter, we have at least a dozen, there are just more out there, experimental, laboratory-only or extreme kind of matter. Our Universe Is Pretty Awesome.

Lunar Cycle | All You Need To Know About Lunar Cycle

The moon has a lot of looks and each one happens for a reason. It takes the moon about 29 and a half day to orbit the Earth and during this time, the sun illuminates the moon from varying angles which creates a shadow effect that we see here on Earth. At the start of each lunar cycle, the moon is between the earth and the sun.

This is called "New Moon"( 0% illumination ). The side of the moon visible from Earth is not illuminated and therefore we can't see it. As the angle between the Moon and the Sun increases so does the amount of moon we are able to see.

After the new moon, it enters the waxing crescent phase where we can see 1% to 49% of the moon. When it reaches 50% of illumination it becomes the first-quarter moon, which is kind of confusing. Next is the Waxing Gibbous Phase ( illumination 51%-99% ). In this phase, we can see about half to almost all of the moon. Finally, We get to see the Full Moon. We get one glorious night of full moon and then the illumination starts to fade.

After the full moon, we see the waning phase which is the opposite of waxing. The moon follows the same illumination pattern just flipped with the final phase being the waning crescent. It starts all over again with the new moon.

But if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, a Waxing moon will be illuminated on the Right Side, While a waning moon will be illuminated on the left. It's the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.
So now you know, the next time you see a waxing moon, a full moon is right around the corner.

If you want to learn How Coronal Mass Ejections effect the Earth Click Here 

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How Your Health Can Be Improve By Two Banana A Day

What will happen if you eat two bananas a day? A healthy food isn't always tasty but with regards to bananas, this isn't the case.
  Did you know that bananas bring a great many benefits to your health? Eating just two bananas a day can truly transform your body in a month. Two Bananas a day can help you look gorgeous every single day without wasting money.  
1. You lose weight
Bananas are rich in fiber which makes you no longer want to eat once consumed.  Bananas also contain a kind of starch that reduces your appetite and stops you gaining weight, it reduces the level of sugar in your blood and raises your body sensitivity to insulin if your body cells aren't sensitive to insulin they can't absorb glucose and your pancreas begins to produce it in larger quantity.  Whether the body accumulates fat depends on the insulin present, also weight loss is one of the most effective changes for controlling blood pressure.
  2. Arterial pressure returns to normal:-
 The average diet in western culture delivers too much sodium and to little potassium in turn bananas contain very little sodium but a lot of potassium which is great for your heart, eating just two bananas a day can reduce high blood pressure and decrease your risk of heart diseases, also add bananas to your diet reduces the risk of death from strokes by 40%.
 3. Stress levels fall
   It's widely known that bananas can improve your mood. They contain tryptophan which is required by your body to receive serotonin also known as the happiness hormone on average each banana contains around 27 milligrams of magnesium. Magnesium helps your heart muscles and immune system function properly, also this mineral is the tool for producing good mood and healthy sleep as a result, it makes you feel more relaxed and happier.
 4. The risk of anaemia falls
  Anaemia causes paleness, tiredness and breathlessness. It's the result of the reduction in red blood cells and a low level of haemoglobin in the blood. Bananas contain a lot of iron which stimulates the production of red blood cells, increasing the red blood cells improves blood flow in your body also bananas contains vitamin B6 which regulates blood glucose levels helping people with anaemia.
   5. Digestion improves
   Bananas are easily digested and don't irritate the gastrointestinal tract, resistant starch contained in bananas is not digested and ends up in the large intestine, where it serves as an effective nutritional medium for healthy bacteria. Bananas can be eaten when a person has gastritis as they restore the minerals to the body also bananas are naturally anti-acid. So, eating two bananas a day can lessen the heartburn symptoms.
 6. Your vitamin deficit will be filled up
    Bananas are rich in nutrients, vitamins and natural sugar such as sucrose and fructose. On average one banana contains around 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin B6, this helps your body produce insulin, haemoglobin and amino acids that are needed for the creation of healthy cells. Although we usually think that oranges and strawberries contain the greatest amount of vitamin C bananas contains 15% of our daily norm of this important substance vitamin C is an important antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals active molecules with insufficient electrons that can destroy the body cells. It also helps keep blood vessels healthy and produces college.
  7. Your energy levels increase
The potassium contained in bananas protects your muscles from cramps and the carbohydrates provide you with enough energy to endure a heavy work out it's hard to believe but the energy you get by eating two bananas is enough for a 90-minute workout.
  Here is the bonus you can also use bananas as a cosmetic to make an amazing banana mask you'll need a banana, the white of one egg, the juice of 1 lemon and olive oil mix the banana with the whipped egg white and then add the lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil. Apply the mask before going to shower, so that you can easily wash it off when you get into the tub. This mask relieves chronic fatigue and gives your skin up fresh and healthy look.

Coronal Mass Ejections | Could Explosions on the Sun Harm Earth?

Every now and then the sun explodes. Without, warning blazing hot plasma spews into the solar system with the force of about 20 million nuclear bombs. Depending on the direction of the explosion, that plasma can head straight for earth.

These eruptions are called Coronal Mass Ejections or CMES and they happen when the sun's surface gets a little twisted. The Sun is basically a giant ball of gas that's constantly dancing. when the Sun gets a little too excited its magnetic field too far which causes it to kink. Remember, when phones with cords get all tangled when you walk and talk, it's kind of like that. Eventually, the tension builds and the kink snaps and the plasma explodes into a terrifying cloud of protons and electrons.

Solar wind then takes the cloud of piping hot particles on a ride through the solar system. The plasma can travel at speeds up to seven million miles per hour ( 7 Million MPH ) and if the CME is aimed at earth it could take as little as 12 hours to slam into our planets.

Last time this happened was in 1859 and the impact triggered a geomagnetic storm in our magnetosphere. If that were to happen today the storm could fry our power grid, living us all in the dark. So the next time the sun decides to explode Let's just hope it's not aimed at us.

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What Does It Take to Be a Planet? And Why Pluto Isn't A Planet

There once was a time the solar system consisted of nine planets but in 2006 the unthinkable happened. We lost the beloved planet Pluto and gained a whole new way to classify celestial objects and our lives never been the same.

Pluto had a rough go as a planet. He was the runt of the solar system always in the back of the line and then he was kicked out of the planet club, poor Pluto.

As of 2006, there are three criteria a celestial body has to meet to be considered a planet. Pluto meets two of them, he has enough mass and gravity to hold a spherical shape and orbits the Sun but he does not clear the neighbourhood around his orbit.

The eight other planets are gravitationally dominants meaning there are no celestial bodies in their orbital paths. But this is not the case for Pluto, so he got reclassified as a dwarf planet.

Good news is Pluto isn't alone there are several other celestial bodies that are also members of dwarf planet squad. This motley crew is full of shapes sizes and colours. One dwarf planet called Haumea looks like a potato with a hoop.

Since 2006 Pluto and his companions have been the centre of a lot of space drama. Some astronomers disagree with the new definition of a planet and believe Pluto should be called back up to big leagues. But regardless of what happens one thing is for sure, Pluto will always be our favourite planet that once was you go little Pluto.

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Asteroids, Comets & Meteors | What’s the Difference Between Asteroids, Comets & Meteors?

We all know space rocks, but what about the rocks in space? Asteroids, Comets and Meteors are hurtling through the solar system. So how do you tell them apart and which rocks could hit our planet?

Comets pass near Earth but they never make it to the surface. These cosmic snowballs from overtime in the outer reaches of the solar system and are made up of ice, rock and metal. If a comet gets too close to the sun, some of the ice heats up and turns into a gas, creating a glowy layer and that famous tail. If a comet were to shed its ice, it's become an asteroid.

An asteroid can be as big as an entire country or as small as a chihuahua head. Most of the time you can find them hanging out in the asteroid belt, a rocky superhighway between Mars and Jupiter.

Pieces of rock that break off asteroids and comets are called meteoroids. When a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, it burns up and causes friction that results in light phenomena. The streak of light is known as a meteor or a shooting star. If a meteoroid lands on Earth's surface, it becomes a meteorite.

So next time you are gazing at the sky at a shooting star, you will know exactly what it is and exactly what it is not.

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Formation Of Planetary Rings a Mystery | Planetary Rings

Saturn's rings have been a focal point of astronomy ever since Galileo spotted them over 400 years ago and these mysterious circular bands have both fascinated and perplexed astronomers ever since. Yet the mystery of how Saturn's rings are formed remains unsolved and discovery of unique ring systems surrounding other gas giants in our solar system has led to even more questions for astronomers.

Before we get into some of competing theories about how they were formed let's take a walk at what the rings are made of. Rings may look like solid disks but they are actually composed of particles following a nearly circular orbit around the equatorial plane of a planet. They are located primarily within a planet's Roche limit which is the distance where a celestial object is expected to be broken up by tidal forces.

Planetary rings are constantly changing and each system varies in structure, width, mass and composition which is why finding a unified theory for their formation is so challenging. Take the gas giants, for example, Neptune's five known rings( Also known as Dust clumps aka Ring Arcs ) are composed of peculiar clumps of dust. While Uranus's 13 known rings consist mainly of large particles made up of rock and Jupiter's four known sets of rings are very faint and composed of tiny dust fragments. Unlike the other planets, Saturn seven rings are made up of billions of particle that range in size and are almost entirely water ice.

One ring formation theory points back to the Roche limit as we mentioned earlier if a celestial object like an asteroid drifts into the Roch limit than they will be ripped apart by the gravity of the larger object. It's believed that the particle remains are then swept into the plant's orbit and dust from nearby moons may also be pulled inside the Roche limit adding to the composition of the Rings.

Another theory suggests that rings may have formed at the same time as our solar system over four billion years ago. Those planetary rings are made up of material left over when planets and moons took shape.

But while these theories work for some of the gas giants where rings are composed mainly of rock and dust particles they don't entirely work for Saturn. That's because of water ice, which makes up more than 90% of Saturn's rings So where did all that ice come from?

Well, one theory might explain this mystery during the formation of the solar system a large moon made up primarily of ice was pulled into Saturn's gassy abyss but before the fatal plunge the moon was stripped of icy mantle and the remains were swept into orbit around Saturn. It's believed that many other moons may have faced a similar fat shedding even more ice into Saturn's ring system.

But there is still a lot more we have to learn about ring formation which is why these theories along with many other are the centre of countless scientific debates and until this astronomical puzzle is solved Saturn's rings will remain one of the greatest mysteries in our solar system.
Also Read:-Jupiter’s Red Spot is Shrinking | What Could Happen If Jupiter's Red Sport Disappear?

Electric Planes | What Future Holds ?

What kind of future are we heading towards? Is it possible that short flights with an electric aircraft will become commonplace? 
Electric vehicles depend upon the battery and good news is battery technology is finally starting to improve. It is just touching the state where a fully electric aircraft has just become feasible for some application mainly flight training and short distance travel. 

The aircraft in question is the Pipistrel Alpha Electro, founded in 1989. Paper Straw is a company based in Slovenia that specialises in manufacturing light aircraft categorised as a light sports aircraft and only weighing 350 Kilograms including batteries. 

The Alpha Electro is the first fully electric aircraft certified for flight training. The cost of a new aircraft is about a hundred thousand US dollars. On board, there is a 20-kilowatt-hour battery which translates to a flight time of over an hour plus reserve. This makes flight training the perfect application if needed the batteries can be swapped out in 5 minutes. The electric motor that powers the aircraft is 60 kilowatts and only weighs 11 kilograms. Because the plane is so light it can literally be pushed and dragged around by one person easily. Unlike a regular petrol light aircraft which uses 50-year-old engine technology with hundreds of moving parts, the Alpha Electro has only one moving part and hence the aircraft is safer and much easier to fly. There is only an on switch and a throttle lever to operate the engine. Normally the engine operation would be much more complicated with tasks such as mixing fuel on the fly. 

The company that got delivery of this aircraft is Electro. Aero in Perth Western Australia. Electro. Aero hopes to carry out a pilot flight training at fraction of the cost of regular aircraft because there are no fuel costs and very very fewer maintenance costs and the status quo. Right now it cost about $3 per hour to run the aircraft and that's about a tenth of the cost of a fuel engine the result cuts the rate of flight training by about $90 per hour in comparison ta a plane like a Cessna 172. During the first 40 hours of lessons, an aspiring pilot could save over $1000.  

Now it was time for first of these aircraft to arrive in the southern hemisphere the Alpha Electro came in a shipping container from Slovenia where it had been manufactured. An aircraft coming in plastic wrapped pieces were certainly something unusual and it distinctly likes unboxing a brand new BMW car. It only took a couple of hours to assemble all the part and it was pretty painless and it was ready to go. Electra Aero is the first company in the world to have this aircraft certified even before anyone in the United States and Canada. That makes this aircraft the very fast certified electric plane in the world.

The Aeroplane has two battery compartments, each compartment stores a 10-kilowatt-hour battery. So both combine aeroplane gets an hour of flight time give or take and it gives us redundancy. So if one of the batteries fails the other battery can keep flying aircraft and to bring the aircraft down. As we are using the electric engine so it takes a small size quite compact you can say. Charger port is at the front which is similar to the Tesla. The Alpha Electro has an EPSI and a Garmin GPS that's a capacitive touchscreen. The Alpha Electro is fitted with the ballistic parachute that means that in the event of a control system failure or a catastrophic airframe failure in which you couldn't slide down, you can pull the big red handle and it will lunch a rocket out of the roof of the airframe and will pull a parachute out. Then it will float down to the ground.      

How it feels to fly inside an Electric Planes?

 If you have taken a flight inside any light aircraft it's basically like that but the views are batter because the windows are unusually big. That aside the main thing you will notice is noise or lack thereof. It's a lot quieter than the average petrol plane most of the noise is from the propeller itself and the air rushing past the cockpit as you are flying. 

Four to Six seated electric aircraft are under development for commercializing use as air taxis. Because air taxis at the moment using petrol engine aircraft that are designed for longer flights, but only being used for  10 to 15 minutes flights that means the engines are being started and stopped much more often than that normally designed for therefore much more wear and tear on the engine and a lot higher maintenance expense and cycles. In electric it does not matter how many times you start and stop the motor, It's not having a major thermal cycle every time and does not have hundreds of moving parts. It only has one rotating part and direct drive no gearbox, so the short hop flight of sub one hour are perfect for electric. The batteries can already do it and the maintenance is not affected by the thermal cycle as in petrol engine.

As I have already said Battery technology plays an important role here. So until the best infrastructure in the place and battery energy density improves, for now, it's only really flighted that is the optimum use case for electric planes.

I see longer flight applications being about Two to Five years away, so, all in all, it's interesting state that we are at right now. We are definitely at the beginning of something new.

Third Generation Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Interface AKA SATA 3

Today we will tell you about everything you need to know about Third Generation Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Interface AKA SATA 3. Do you know that SATA3 technically not the correct name for third-generation SATA drive this can cause some confusion especially because the second generation interface operated at 3 gigabits per second, so SATA 3 refers to the data rate or the generation? Most people think of it terms of the generation, so if you use it that way people will generally know what you are talking about.

Determining if your storage device supports SATA 3 is easy all you got to do is check for a large SATA 3 label on the box or check the manufactures website or in the cases of things like motherboards you can look for the little label on the PCB itself. finally, if you are having trouble with that or if you have a laptop where you can't see it clearly you can download HW info for free and find out what speed your  SATA ports are running at. 

Installing  SATA 3 devices is simple all you got to do is power down your computer plug the power and the serial ATA data cable into the drive and the PC itself and you are ready to go. You don't even need to worry too much about what generation of SATA device you have because if they are not all SATA 3 it might be a little bit slower but the standards are forward and backwards compatible. So the device will work together.

How HSMS Gotland, A Small Swedish Diesel-Powered Submarine, Sank USS Ronald Reagan

The United State military has the strongest and most diverse navy in the world. The United State militaries fleet of aircraft carriers is so large, it makes the US Navy the second the second largest Airforce in the world, second largest to the actual  US Airforce. A single Nimitz class aircraft carrier like the USS Ronald Reagan a 6.2 billion dollars nuclear-powered ship can carry the twice aircraft as any other foreign carrier. Which makes it even more shocking that it was sunk by a single diesel-powered Swedish submarine during a war game in 2005.

How That  HSMS Gotland Sank USS Ronald Reagan?

A single submarine that cost the same as an F-35 at 100 million dollars managed to sneak by an entire carrier task force with anti-submarine defences and not only that it also managed to enter the red-zone and score multiple torpedoes hits on the USS Ronald Reagan, sinking it virtually, before shrinking back into the vast Ocean undetected. This is just one of many exercises where the Swedish Gotland class submarine proved too stealthy for the world's strongest navy. The new submarine proved so threatening that the US military leased the Swedish submarine for an additional year to develop a strategy to counter the silent threat. 

 So all the science thinkers let's get to the Answer, what set the Gotland apart from other submarines.  Submarine's primary instrument to detect enemy's submarines is  sonar. Sonar essentially a finely tuned air that works like whale's or dolphin's echolocation to create a 3D map of ocean around it. There is an active sonar where the submarine will send out a sound pulse called a ping and listen to the reflections. But in the warfare, this is not a sound strategy as that ping is detectable by enemies to give your exact location. So passive sonar is used where no ping is emitted instate you only listen. These electronic ears are so accurate that the nationality of submarines can be determined based on the operating frequency of the alternating current used in its power systems. The 60Hartz alternating current of an US submarine could be differentiated from the 50Hartz of European submarine If the transformers and other electronics were not adequately insulated from the hall.  The Swedish managed to create a submarine so silent that it was practically undetectable by passive sonar. 

Now the question is how did Swedish manage to make such submarine at such low price?

The Gotland is the first submarine in the world to use a Stirling engine as it's power generator.  Stirling engines are not a new concept with the first being created and patented by Robert Stirling in 1816. Inspired by a series of high-pressure steam boiler explosions at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Robert Stirling wanted to create a safer engine that did not require such high pressure. He did this by creating a fixed mass of gas permanently sealed within. Here one side of the piston, cylinder has a large buffer space which allows for a relatively constant pressure on the other side of the piston while the other side fluctuates in pressure due to alternating heat cycles. When heat is applied to the outside of the cylinder, the pressure increases causing the piston to move until the pressure equalizes.  Now if we cool the outside of the cylinder with a heat exchanger, the pressure will drop and once again the piston will move. This is our basic pressure cycle to create mechanical work. But this is an insanely inefficient system, as most of the energy we put into the system as heat is lost during the cooling cycle, not to the gas, but to the actual cylinder wall which provides no mechanical work. Robert Stirling solved this by adding a displacer piston which can drive the gas from one end of the cylinder to the other. Allowing this end to be permanently hot and the other permanently cold. So the cylinder wall is no longer experiencing a temperature cycle. The pressure cycle here works slightly differently. First, the air in the hot end expands and causes the displacer to move into contact with the power piston, displacing more air from the cold end to be heated and expanded, allowing work to be done on the piston. The air on the hot end now has nowhere to go so it's driven to the cold end where it is cooled and contracts causing work to be done once again on power piston. This is our new pressure cycle. The efficiency of this system can be increased further by placing what is essentially a heat battery in the tube between the hot and cold cylinder. This conserves a huge amount of heat that would otherwise be wasted during the cooling cycle and gives the heat back to the air as it travels back through. Robert Stirling dubbed this through a regenerator. Now we have the foundations of a useful engine. By incorporating a cooling system and a heating chamber we create a large temperature differential to drive the engine and the efficiency can be future increased by increasing the number of tubes connecting the hot and cold spaces along with the number of regenerators and adding fins to increase the surface area of these tubes to allow for heat transfer. 

Sterling engines ultimately fell into obscurity as stronger steel became available to make steam engine boilers safer but have seen a resurgence in recent decades with the Gotland being the most famous implementation. The Gotland uses two Stirling engines that use diesel and liquid oxygen to provide heat which in turns it's 75 kW generators. These generators can run an electric motor directly or charge batteries that can provide a huge boost in speed when needed. All the while, the exhaust is compressed and stored onboard, allowing the submarine to stay submerged up to 2 weeks vastly longer than any other diesel-powered submarine. 

 So why is it so silent compared to other submarines? It actually doesn't require much explanation as to why an internal combustion engine using tiny controlled explosions for power tends to cause some noise. While the multi-billion dollar nuclear-powered submarines need to pump huge volumes of coolant to their reactors to prevent a meltdown causing enough noise to be detectable by passive sonar within a certain range.  

Well, this is the fascinating application of the laws of thermodynamics. Understanding and applying the laws of science is the closest to a real-life superpower in this world.                     

Improve Your Brain Power

 First, we will play a memory game with you through which you will understand how properly do you see your brain, and how much do you utilize your brain the game is very simple.I will be giving you 10 different words you need to read it once very carefully and have to remember it.

If you are ready, let's begin.

Start  Pencil, Stamp, Rainbow, Carpet, Apple, Cock, Planet, Magazine, Gold, Watch.

 Now close your eye and try to remember, how many words do you recollect out of 10.
OK, then if you are an average person like me then you will remember 5 to 7 words and it must be difficult to remember it in the proper order.

When I tried this, I could remember only 6 of them, now this thing is little wired because we all know that our brain is capable of storing huge amount of data than this.In fact, study says, that our brain can store data up to 2.5 Petabytes (approximately).To let you know,1 Petabyte(PB) is equal to 1024 Terabytes (TB), and 1 terabyte is equal to 1024 Gigabytes (GB), and 1 Gigabyte is equal to 1024 Megabytes (MB).

If our brain can store that much data, then why it is that we are not able to remember simple words, numbers or paragraphs, our brain cannot memorize it easily, or after sometime We quickly forget what we had remembered. Reason for this, mostly the techniques and ways we use to remember things, are not proper or correct.

Most people try to remember things by mugging or by repeatedly memorizing it but the reality is our brain is not made to remember things in such a manner after sometime We quickly forget what we had remembered.

Dominic O Brien has become world memory champion for eight times, not because he was born intelligent, or he was very smart in fact he was the weak student and also the dyslexic child. Still, he became the memory champion because he knew the proper techniques and ways of remembering things and proper ways of utilizing his brain.

Now, I will tell you some of the principles, with the help of which even you all can remember things easily and properly, just like Dominic or like any other world memory champion.
Principle no 1: Imagination:-

   William James said in his book, that Imagination and memory are strongly connected to each other.

Ex-if I ask to share some of your old beautiful memories with me, you will start IMAGINING that experience in your brain, then you can easily tell me the experience if you can easily recollect those memories.
In different words the things which you can easily imagine,if you will more likely to remember it, when I ask you all to remember those 10 words, like me most people have not remember it properly, and those who have to remember will not be able to keep it for a long time, because we have not connected those words with the Imagination. Meaning, when I said the word Apple then you should have imagined and visualized, that you are holding a big red Apple, which tastes really good and has a good fragrance. After imagining something like this, there would have been a higher chance of remembering the word Apple, here if you have noticed, I have used many human senses in the Imagination like, how the Apple was looking, it's colour, it's smell, it's taste etc. I did this because including senses makes the work more memorable.

Principal no 2:-. Association

Here association means a connection between two things, we are more likely to remember things which we are connected to each other,
   Ex- we listen and see something so we start remembering stuff related to it. It happens because our brain remember things easily when it has a connection between each other or an association, but when we can't see the connection between two things, then it becomes difficult for us to remember it. Again some example, when I told you those ten ( 10) words, they all were different, because of that you find difficult to recollect it, but if I would say the words which have a connection to each other, then you must have remembered it easily, like, if I said Pencil, then eraser, then ruler, sharpener etc, then you must have remembered these words easily, because most of the people can see the connection and link, easily between these words . So, if we want to remember different kinds of stuff, then we must use our Imagination and need to make an Imagination between them.
 Now using these two principles,a technique forms which is known as a story method using this technique we can increase our memory capabilities,to understand this practice,again we will play a word game , but this time we will not remember it normally, Instead in a story form and we will see how different results do we get.
You can try this by closing your eyes, Just follow my words and imagine it properly in your mind. Let's begin
Cycle- Imagine that you are going to somewhere, riding a deep red colour bicycle and feeling fresh air while pedalling, feeling very much relaxed because this cycle is very comfortable and smooth.

Chocolate- While riding that bicycle you feel hungry so you stop near the store and purchase your favourite chocolate and start eating.

Guitar- While eating the chocolate, you suddenly hear something when you listen to it attentively, you understand that it is the sound of a guitar, you find the sound so soothing that you start following it.

Soldier- When you reach near the guitar player you see that he is a soldier, tall and muscular, he is looking at you with a smiling face.

Suitcase- You see an old suitcase near soldier's leg in which people are giving money.

Necklace- Then a woman comes, she finds soldier talent so attractive that she puts shining Simone necklace in his suitcase.

Football- As she starts weakling, suddenly a football hour her.

Kids-  when you see from where the football has come, you found out, that from the short distance, some kids were playing games, you understand it must be there football.

Mask.-When you start looking kids fatefully, Among them, you see a kid is looking different from the other kids reason, he is wearing a white colour mask on his face you find that mask attractive, so you start walking towards that kid.

Rose- You see something red on the white mask as you walk closer, the fragrance of the ride start coming reason, on the kid's mask rose was mounted.

Staple-When you reach almost very close to that kid, you see that the child has stapled on his mask.

Road-Then the child suddenly starts running towards the road full of vehicles.

Tomato-while running suddenly tomato comes under his feet due to which he loses his balance and falls on the ground.

Rocket-After, he falls, he looks towards the sky, he sees a big fire rocket going into the sky.

Diwali:- Then suddenly the rocket burst, with the huge sound, and with different colours or Happy Diwali Appears in the sky.

Now again close your mind and calibrate your self. how many words do you remember by remembering every single words by recreate the entire story on your mind this time I have not told you 10 words, instead I have said 14 words, now if you all imagined the story properly, then you would have remembered all 14 words also in the proper order do comment your both times scores. This story was my Imagination so there is a possibility, that maybe you all have not memorized it properly or easily if you make a story of as per as your Imagination, then this technique will work much better.

You can make story whichever way you want to, just try to use different senses, use in your Imagination and try to keep a logical association between them this was only one technique which memory champion uses.

This technique which I have shared with you all is from the book "you can have an amazing memory" by Dominic O'Brien this book contains many other techniques which can help you to increase your memory capabilities.

Our Nearest Cosmic Neighbor | Moon

It's been 46 years since the sixth and final man manned moon mission launched the Apollo 17 mission on  7th December 1972, Which landed on 11th December 1972 with astronauts Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans and Harrison Schmitt. Their three-day mission was to explore the moon and to take iconic pictures test equipment and ride around on a lunar rover. 

Well, it's been 46 years, but don't we are back in near future. NASA, European Space Agency, China National Space Administration, Indian Space Research Organisation are planning for more and more missions to the Moon, Mars and to asteroids also, which is a totally crazy idea. Well, Harrison Schmitt said we should skip the asteroid and go right to the moon, maybe we should listen to him you know he has been there. Then there are private space companies that all want to go to the moon.

Here the question is why? What is the big deal about the moon?

Let me tell you from a purely business perspective the moon can offer varieties of advantages and resources in an unimagined amount.  Asteroid brings rare minerals to earth but they burnt up in our atmosphere.  The moon doesn't have an atmosphere so it's gone have more of those rare minerals things with fancy names like Platinum, Titanium, Iron or Helium-3( which is found in vast quantity in the moon, but extremely rare here on earth and which could be used to make cleaner better nuclear fusion,). One cool thing about the moon's microgravity would be great for seniors with no joint pain bouncing around having a great old time.  

There are so many things we don't know about what's up there but the things that we know are really exciting because it's like the tip of the Iceberg. The resources are just there waiting for us to go get them, so let's start a moon rush. The moon could be a base of operations to explore the lunar structure visit passing asteroids or lunch future mission to Mars and you know beyond not to mention though no atmosphere means better view for telescopes. Sometimes you just need to get out of your house to look around to really see things for what they are. 

Inspirationally there is no greater drive than exploration. Space exploration in the 1960s  brought us a whole generation scientist and engineers dreaming of jetpacks and flying cars in the city of tomorrow and all of that came from exploring space and the moon. 

There is a company in Colorado, run by former NASA managers, that is offering to take anyone who can pay to the lunar surface. So far 25 countries have signed up for this and those who could afford the 1.5 billion dollar price tag.

So what are you thinking? huh? Go and work hard to buy a ticket for the moon to explore the unimaginable, before it became common to spend vacation out there. 

Jupiter’s Red Spot is Shrinking | What Could Happen If Jupiter's Red Spot Disappear?

The weather on earth can be unpredictable but it pales in comparison to the cataclysms unfolding on other planets in our solar system. Venus, for example, is uniquely hellish, The hottest planet in our solar system is surrounded by clouds made up of sulfur dioxide that hold droplets of sulfuric acid. Meanwhile, Mars has experienced dust storms that engulf the entire planet and can last months. Anyway, at far out in depths of the solar system, Neptune is constantly whipped by supersonic winds reaching over 1200 miles per hour. 

Out of all the Planets Jupiter is home to one of the most mysterious weather phenomena, A massive anticyclone, called the Great Red Spot. Scientists are closely watching this centuries-old storm because it could soon disappear. The GRS ( Great Red Spot) is scientifically referred to as an anticyclone due to its counter clock-wise rotation. Anticyclone looks and acts similar to tropical cyclones we experienced on our plant that bring triple-digit wind speed and leave large-scale destructions. 

Earth cyclones develop a grow over oceans but break up shortly after making landfall because of an increase in the fraction from the land.  The largest cyclone on earth lasted for  31 days while anticyclones can last for hundreds of years 

Since the Jovian Planet ( Jupiter) is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium gas it's believed that there isn't any land to help dissipate winds. So anticyclones continue to grow and in some cases merge into an even bigger system. The GRS ( Great Red Spot ) has consumed its fair share of smaller storms earning its title as the largest anticyclone in our solar system. 

The GRS is about 10,000 miles wide and is estimated to penetrate about 200  miles into Jupiter's atmosphere. But new research suggests that it can go even deeper basically it's big enough to swallow the Earth whole. The anticyclone is wedged between two air currents or jet streams that move in opposite directions, These conveyor belts keep the massive oval spinning which fuels the momentum of the vortex.

But the Great Red Spot may not last forever and some scientists believe it might even vanish in the next two decades. 

  • When it was observed in In the late 1800s. the GRS was estimated to be over 25,000 miles across.
  • In the late 1970s, NASA's voyagers 1 and 2 flybys measured it at 14,500 miles across.
  • In the 1990s, Hubble Space Telescope showed the GRS at about 13,000 miles across.
  • In the late 2000s, A photo by Hubble Space Telescope measured it at around 11,000. 
  • Most Recently in 2017 NASA's Juno probe observed the GRS at it's the smallest size ever recorded 
Over the next couple of decades, it's believed the Great Red Spot will shrink and longitude and become more circular. It could stay that way for many years but If GRS becomes too elongated the jet streams could rip the anticyclone apart.  

Now the disappearance of the iconic red spot is only theoretical but if it does vanish, it could give us a better understanding of  Jupiter's atmosphere and may even give us a view into the core of the Gas Giant. 

On top of that studying that great red spot and other bizarre weather phenomena throughout the solar system could help us gain a deeper understanding of fluctuating weather patterns on the earth.    

Dolby Atmos And DTS:X | What Are Dolby Atmos And DTS:X?

360-degree Virtual Reality movies are not quite mainstream yet, I mean who wants to strap on the headset every time. But 360-degree surround sound has long been a mainstay, not just movie theatres but home theatres as well. A typical setup would be a subwoofer too for bass and 5 or 7 speakers surrounding the viewer to help the sound well surround the viewer. Now traditionally the way this work is that depending on the surround audio encoding scheme used by the publisher a device called receiver would decode and playback discreet audio tracks for each speaker that would correspond to the action on the screen assuming the high-quality mix.

So the idea is that if you are looking at a scene featuring a conversation the voices will probably mostly out of centre channel, while the satellite speaker behind you focus on let's say ambient background noise. This one track for one speaker paradigm has been powering surrounding sound system for a long time and it's worked pretty well. But we have increasingly seen a different method of surround sound delivery both in theatres and on blue-ray.  That's actually based around sound's objects of channels The principle behind Dolby Atmos and DTS: X.

But hold on a minute sound as an object What?
So it's mean that instated of each audio track corresponding to only one speaker the tracks are encoded with data that indicates some locations in space instead of a specific channel. So let's say you are watching a scene where an aeroplane is flying overhead toward you, so here instead of the track match to the front speaker getting quieter and the tracks for the back speaker getting louder  as the plane passes by, The plane's engines will instate be encoded as a spot in space above you that moves around in real time.  
Now, this may not sound like too much of a difference but the idea here is that Dolby Atmos and DTS X scale very well. Traditional surround setup had no way of knowing much more than distance from your couch about the physical placement of the speakers in your room , so results could be very inconsistent from setup to setup. But because of Dolby Atmos And DTS X  allows sounds to be coded location data like above the listener halfway between the screen of the chair and against the right-hand wall rather than just front speaker. 

A decoder compatible with Dolby Atmos and DTS X formats will then take these positional data and the specific speaker configuration into account to produce sound that's more accurately reflective of where suppose to be in space. Whether it has five speakers propped up on two by four around your computer to represent data of fifty professional-grade loudspeakers in large cinema and even include support for sounds above you. It offers at most 118 objects and DTX supports an unlimited number of objects and both technologies can work with your conventional 5.1 and 7.1 speaker setups with Dolby Atmos bosting support for up to 34 speakers for home theatre. 

Now as like with any new standard not everything is Dolby Atmos or DTS X capable. You need a compatible receiver though the good news is most receivers support both. Fortunately, these technology becoming more and more common on Blu-Rays streaming services and even game consoles. So maybe at some point. 

Problem With Wireless Display

Remember What a big deals cordless phones were in the 80s and 90s. Well, it was not too long before engineers expanded this untethering idea to other gadgets. So nowadays we got 2.4 gigahertz gaming headsets and Bluetooth Christmas lights and enough LTE signals flying through the air to make any passing extraterrestrials thank that we can communicate through some kind of primitive form of hieroglyphics. But one modern device lagged behind other.

In the era of wireless mouse, wireless keyboard and wireless networking, Our monitor seems to be one thing that still needs a long clunky cable running across the desk, So what gives.

well for stater the observation is not completely true. There are wireless display standard that have been around for quite some time. I am not talking about features like casting where your phone and device just sends an instruction over Wi-fi for your tv to access Youtube video or whatever. I am talking about real ways to connect a display and have it show anything you do like just as you would with wired monitor that might be sitting on your desk right now.

One currently popular option is Miracast this is essentially connection over Wi-fi that work if you are using a computer   or other device that has Wi-fi built in. The nice thing about MIRACAST is that it does not need to go through a router rather it formes a direct connection from your connecter to your display so you can use it even if your wireless network is slow or if it is not available at all. 

In Windows 10 simple click connect in action centre and that will cause your system to scan for available  Miracast displays click the one you like to connect and you are all set. There are displays with Miracast baked in as well as HDMI adapter that enables it.

Miracast is not compatible with everything Android devices dropped support for it some time ago Mac and IOS user instate have to use airplay which by the way does require a proper  Wi-fi network and for the devices at all like a desktop PC well no luck there either. So if you want some more flexibility you might want to look in a standalone wireless display kit that's let you plug an HDMI connected transmitter into your PC or source device ( like a camera ) and an HDMI receiver to your display. These Devices often use a standard that transmits data quickly enough to avoid the huge loss in video quality through compression that can be a big problem with WI-fi based solution. 

So then with all those benefits and both Miracast and standalone kits even supporting 5.1 surrounding audio just like a physical HDMI cable why are not we all using them right now. Well, it turns out you are gonna run into issues no matter which wireless display implementation you choose. Even if you go for a low compression none Wi-fi solution because wireless connections are nearly always slower then their wired counterparts and wireless display technology no exception. It's more difficult for these signals to carry the higher amount of data needed for high-resolution pictures. So want 4k  well get ready to spent a lot of money on standalone high power kit  If you can find something at all. 

We have not even gotten into the elephant in the room the slow elephant in the room lag because these compressed wireless signals require extra processing at both ends. you will probably experience more latency with a wireless display. These means that you have small delays when you do anything like move your mouse or type a sentence, which might be fine for writing an email or giving a power point presentation but it can be so bad as to cause desync issue with video playback and it almost guaranteed to be killer for gaming. 

Making matters worst many wireless HDMI kits perform best over very short distances and with a direct line of sight between your source device and your display making them once you factor in that you have to run a power cord to them anyway, So you are not going for wireless. Actually, a lot more work to setup than you might have initially imagined 

Unless you really needed a display in a sport where you just can't run a cord to it you should not be bothering investing money in extra equipment to make your setup wireless for now. Anyway, this gives you an opportunity to practice a good cable management.      


Emoji And Emoticons

Contest is everything when you are trying to communicate. Just ask a Story writer or a Movie maker. Even if you are not running for office and you just want your statement to be understood better online then the humble emoticons have become a powerful tool. I mean think about it STFU :) has a very different meaning from STFU.

BUT Where Did This Little Text Faces Even Come From?

The answer is quite hard to say, something appeared to be a smile showed up all the way back in a poem from 1648 after the word smiling. Yet some historians have dismissed it as a probably printing error and there was an intentional typographical Art display in 1981 issue of a Magazine. Though many things from nineteen century there are a lot clunkier then what we use today.

So even though noticing the latter and punctuation can sometimes look like other things is not actually the hardest idea to rape your hade around. It was not until a HUNDRED Year later that the EMOTICONS began to be standardised. So picture this it was 1982 and professor Scott Elliott Fahlman of  Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh frustration is building up inside him.  The very very funny jokes he is posting to school's bulletin board system are not being received as well as he feels. Could it be for some reason people are just having a hard time figuring out where the punchlines are? Now while it is entirely possible that his jokes were just terrible.It turns out that yes people were having difficulties figuring out jokes Vs serious post.

So he came up with a novel solution and sent an email  containing this

19-Seo-82   Scott E Fahlmn  :-)
From: Scott E Fahlmn <Fahlman at Cmu-20c>

I propose that following character sequence for joke markers:


Read it sideways, Actually, it is probably more economical to mark things that are not jokes, given current trends. For this, use


to a colleague proposing that it act as a joke marker of visual laughter like of shorts that would point out the punch line to the reader. People liked this smile emoticons so much that it soon spread to  Usenet ( an online discussion system that predated the web).  Then spread like a wildfire from there with other user offering their own emoticons to supplement Fahlmn's original smile and friend.

Then a few years later in 1986 Horizontal Emoticons that are not on their sites are started tp appearing in japan.  These Kaomoji added more flexibility to the standard set of western style emoji. We also have Japan to thank for emoji, Those small emoji images that could be inserted into messages as they are the fancier version of Text Only  Emoticons.

The man who originally created emoji Shigetaka Kurita was trying to find a way to get across emotions and ideas in a way they are more effective than mere words. But would still feet into a primarily spaced medium that was space limited. In fact, the first emoji were only 12 pixels long and 12 pixels wide, but Kurita was still able to create one hundred seventy-eight emoji with his design team and these emoji first launched in 1999  for a mobile internet service and since an emoji implementation was proprietary at the time. They were used to be a sealling point for services that offered them. so more and more carrier in Japan started to follow suit. Adding to  Kurita's 172 designs and even throwing an animation for extra waoo factors.

Now, of course, there are so many different emojis implementations by the mid-2000 The different carrier found it necessary to add the ability to translate an emoji from other providers so that you could see from your friend properly even if they run a different network. But Heres a catch, these emoji how added to Unicode in 2010 helping to standardize emoji across different languages, websites and programs. But anyhow when you copy some emoji from facebook to twitter it will show some changed emoji because it will actually read each emojis Unicode and then drop in from it's own library of emoji artwork, for the most part, it won't change the meaning of your messages but it is something to keep in mind.         


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