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USB Type C

The two original connector specification for  USB were A and B. Don't You love When Engineer Name Things with both male and female connector for Each. Female A receptacles were intended for host Devices like computers the once that control the transfer of data  over the USB connections while Female B receptacles were intended for upstream peripheral Devices Printer Scanners CD Burners .

Like the most cables feature a male a connector and a male B connector of some short. Because with the expection of on the go capable devices , there is no reson to connect two hosts to each other or to peripherals. 

Now, Back to the original standards I don't want to hate on them or anything, But they Did propel the Universal Serial Bus to damn near ubiquity in the computing world. Ok Thet had some fairly significant limitation they were large bulky and fragile rated at a mere 1500 insertion cyles. They were only designed to a little bit of power (100mA) and the speed(12MBPS) at which they operated quickly  became a bottleneck and finally particularly irrating on the connector . They only went in one way without any clear visual indication of which way was right, Leading to awesome computer nerd jokes like how many tries does it take to get a plug into a USB connection for twice to get it wrong once to think you got it wrong and one more time to put the damnthing in so that you can hear that ever so satisfying doo doo.

Now many of these issues have been improved over the years almost right away USB 2.0 (Released in April 2000) dramtically improved speed without requring new physical connector or cables. Mini and Micro versions of the B connector were developed to be more durable and more sutable for devices that fit in your pocket. 
Recently the backwards compatable USB3.0 standard brought about new A, B and microbead connectors that add Physical pins to dramatically improve speed and power delivery again to keep USB competitive with newer standards like eSATA and THUNDERBOLT  . That's where we are today.

But can USB be even better?
Apple sure thought so and introduced their propietary lightining connector which is simaller rugged enough for me to sleep with my phone under my pillow without worrying about breaking it and reversible but unfortunately still limited to USB 2.0 speeds.

So There is still room for improvement and Here it is the fiture is now the USB type-C connector has been finalizes and if it deliveres what it's promising it's going to basically kick all those other connectors to the curb with a completely redesigned connector designed to deliver up to
  •  doubble the data of USB3.0 (i.e 10GBITS/S ) and a hundred watts of power (100wats). So you could coonceivably power a monitor or charge your laptop off of it . 
  • It has slim sesign with a 10,000 cycle durability rating, so you can use the same cable accross all your different devices and not worrying about breaking them. 
  • Finally It has a reversible connector so you never have to play guess the orientation again .    

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